
My Saviour

My Saviour

Duration 1h, 29m

MONICA is a lost and broken woman, whom, after a series of setbacks, feels that her world has been turned upside down. After a brutal attack by a local gang she feels she has nothing left and wishes for somebody to come and save her from her unhappy life. A MAN appears from nowhere and protects MONICA from another attack at the hands of the gang. They form a deep and powerful bond as they embark on a passionate affair. As her confidence is restored through the MAN's actions she then begins to question his past. As she investigates she is forced to confront truths about her own existence; truths that she never thought existed. But as events spiral out of control through a hellish nightmare she realizes that devastating consequences may be waiting for her and her SAVIOUR. Cast: Steven Murphy, Rocci Williams, Todd Von Joel Director: Steven Murphy