
Threesome: Jealous Ep. 7

Threesome: Jealous Ep. 7

Duration 10m

Jealous of her budding relationship with another woman, Erica confronts Vanessa while she's out on a date demanding she makes a choice between friendship or love. Cast Embri Ocha - Vanessa Frankie Cedano - Justin Starlett Hill - Erica Kymoura Kennedy - Dezi Lydia Havenold - Madison Christian Robinson - Tyriq Darnell James - Austin Tre' Williamson - Speed Dating Conductor Crew Shaun M Mathis - Creator Justin Toulon - Other Qulanda Moore - Producer Jonathan Harris - Producer Nisha Thomas - Other Jennifer Dorsett - Other Shaun M Mathis - Writer Justin Toulon - Other Shaun M Mathis -Director